Tuesday, October 22, 2024
HomeArticlesGhanaian Roads : A Call To Enable Proper Infrastructure

Ghanaian Roads : A Call To Enable Proper Infrastructure

People, often, attribute failures to all manner of setbacks, which, in actual fact, could have been prevented.

They, soon, get accustomed to living in mediocrity for a considerable part of their lives, without doing anything to change the situation, when the time was right.

Before a problem can be fixed, it has to be studied in various perspectives, with numerous visions on how to solve the mystery behind the problem arraigned.

It is the same with Ghanaian roads; every ruling government claims to have built excellent roads during their tenure, but these roads always end up worse than first!

Amazingly, a lot of road maintenance, re-construction and set-ups are seen in various areas in Ghana, but accidents remain rampant, due to negligence from people who should have known better.

However,  the anchor can, still, be thrown deep, for a firm grip of the road crisis — solving the problem goes beyond lip service.

Action needs to be taken when a road starts getting potholes, normally, most of the MPs start providing solutions, when the faulty roads are beyond repairs, very unfortunate.

Instead of waiting a long while before soliciting for funds and advice, we can help ourselves by observing all rules of the road, avoiding unnecessary over-taking, quitting over-speeding, which will go far to end incessant road accidents.

Although, it is hard to believe that road accidents claim many lives or maim people, almost every day, that is the truth.

Meanwhile, these deadly accidents could have been averted if there were properly maintained roads utilized by road-worthy drivers.


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